Topiary Balls Gallery — Crown Topiary
50cm Box Ball
Beautiful Box Dome In Planter
Yew balls
Box Cloud Hedging
70-80cm Box balls
Box balls
Box balls
Box Balls not running out soon
Ilex crenata 'Carolina'
Box balls
100cm Box Domes
Hornbeam dome
60cm Yew Ball
Yew ball
Portuguese laurel Ball
Large Box balls
Various Balls
Box Balls
100cm Box Domes
Ilex crenata ball 'Dark Green'
Osmanthus ball
Yew Balls
110cm Box Domes
Box Balls
Yew Ball
Box elegantissima
120cm Box Domes
Box Cloud Hedging
Box Cloud Hedging
Box Cloud Hedging
Box Beehive
50cm Yew Balls
50cm Box Ball

Box balls, Buxus sempervirens ball, 50cm box balls.

Beautiful Box Dome In Planter

A Beautiful 70-80cm Box ball or dome planted in a terracotta pot.

Buxus sempervirens ball

Yew balls

Taxus baccata balls

Box Cloud Hedging

Various sized box balls and box domes arranged to form a cloud hedge.

Buxus sempervirens balls and domes.

70-80cm Box balls

Uniform box balls 70-80cm diameter.

Buxus sempervirens balls.



Box balls

50-55cm Box balls

Buxus sempervirens balls

Box balls

Large Buxus sempervirens balls

Box Balls not running out soon

A spectacular view of field grown box balls.

Buxus sempervirens balls around 50-60cm

Ilex crenata 'Carolina'
Box balls

Buxus sempervirens balls

100cm Box Domes

A picture taken in our nursery of various sized box balls and domes.

Buxus sempervirens balls and domes

Hornbeam dome

Carpinus betulus domes


60cm Yew Ball

A 60cm Yew ball, field grown Taxus baccata ball

Yew ball
Portuguese laurel Ball

Prunus lusitanica balls domes

Large Box balls

Buxus sempervirens balls

Large Buxus balls

Various Balls

Box balls, Box elegantissima balls, Ilex balls.

Box Balls

An image of Box balls in various sizes.

Buxus sempervirens balls

100cm Box Domes

100cm box balls field grown.

Buxus sempervirens

Ilex crenata ball 'Dark Green'
Osmanthus ball
Yew Balls
110cm Box Domes

Stunning 110cm field grown box balls.

Buxus sempervirens balls

Box Balls

A breathtaking image of 40-50cm field grown box balls.

Buxus sempervirens

Yew Ball
Box elegantissima

30-40cm Variegated box balls,

Buxus elegantissima balls

120cm Box Domes

120cm field grown box balls.

Buxus sempervirens balls

Box Cloud Hedging
Box Cloud Hedging
Box Cloud Hedging
Box Beehive
50cm Yew Balls
show thumbnails