Topiary Arches made at Crown Topiary
Topiary Arches
We make most of our topiary arches in the nursery. We train them around a galvanised steel framework which remains on the tree for the first few years after planting. For easy planting and transport, the framework comes apart at the apex.
We have in stock and can supply topiary arches in:
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) - two sizes with inside dimensions of 210cm (h) x 200cm (w) / 260cm (h) x 280cm (w)
Yew (Taxus baccata) - one size with external dimensions of 230 (h) x 150cm (w)
Star Jasmine (Trachelospernum jasminoides) - one size with external dimensions of 220cm (h) x 170cm (h)