The Topiary Calendar... May — Crown Topiary

The Topiary Calendar... May

By now your Box plants will all have had a flush of bright new growth, your Hornbeam trees will have started to leaf and generally your garden will look like it is coming to life.  This is an important month for weeding, feeding and watering and with BBQ weekends becoming a realistic option you may want to put some time into you garden and topiary.    

Lush and healthy for the start of summer

We started feeding in March and this has definitely helped the plants in the nursery get nutrients they need early on in the season resulting in everything looking lush and healthy for the start of summer. If you have not started a feeding program you should do so now, we recommend evergreen plant food.

Do not slack on watering

The temperature has picked up over the past few weeks and It is very important that you do not slack on watering any plants that you have in containers. With the lack of rain we have increased the watering in our nursery to 2-3 days a week.