Taxus baccata cubes
We offer prepared and pre-clipped instant hedging and cubes to create your perfect hedge.
Our stocks include:
Box (Buxus sempervirens) hedging, available...
in troughs 100cm long by 30cm high - Perfect for creating parterres, knot gardens and small hedges alongside lawns or pathways.
as clipped blocks of hedging at 60cm and 50cm high - As a guideline plant two per meter.
as perfect clipped cubes which can be used as hedging or more often as individual pieces around the garden or in planters.
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) and
Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Pre-clipped hedging in containers or rootballs:
150cm high by 50cm x 50cm
180cm high by 50cm x 50cm
200cm high by 50cm x 50cm
250cm high by 60cm x 60cm
Taxus baccata
Pre clipped hedging in perfect columns:
height ranging from 100cm to 300cm
width and depth in proportion to height.
Perfect cubes and blocks for placement around the garden.
We recommend the use of Empathy Rootgrow in preparation for planting trees and shrubs.